What’s new?
How are we doing? Let us know by filling out our PhoneLine+ Customer Knowledge Base feedback form.
November 2023
September 2023
- PhoneLine+ Supported Hardware article added.
- YeaLink 73P article updated with further troubleshooting steps.
July 2023
- ‘Choosing a number to call from’ article updated.
February 2023
- A note has been added to the ‘Resetting your password’ article. Please ensure passwords contain at least one upper-case letter, lower-case letter, at least one number, and at least one special character.
January 2023
- Call Settings article updated to include new functionality for updating your Voice Portal PIN and transferring calls to external numbers.
December 2022
- Voice Portal codes article added.
- ‘Accessing your voicemail’ article updated.
November 2022
August 2022
- ‘Accessing your PhoneLine+ voicemail’ Troubleshooting Quick Tip added, demonstrating the voicemail functionality for desktop, mobile and compatible hardware.
- ‘Voicemail’ article added to include a demonstration of how to add contacts from voicemail. This page now also demonstrates desktop and mobile functionality independently.
- Tips regarding your welcome email have been added to the Troubleshooting Quick Tips category.
- Minimum system requirements article added.
July 2022
- Hyperlinks are added for iOS and Android app downloads on the App Download Links page and Register and download the app article.
- ‘Snooze’ article and video added for mobile devices.
- ‘User presence/set as ‘Away’ article updated for desktop.
- ‘Navigating the PhoneLine+ Customer Knowledge Base’ added to Troubleshooting Quick Tips.
June 2022
- Add and manage users (mobile)
- Add and manage numbers (mobile)
- Profile settings (mobile).
- The ‘Receive a call’ and ‘Making a call’ articles have been combined into a new ‘Making and receiving calls’ article for desktop and mobile devices.
- ‘Troubleshooting Quick Tips’ category added to the PhoneLine+ Customer Knowledge Base.
May 2022
- Added the PhoneLine+ Customer Knowledge Base feedback form.
- ‘Latest news’ amended to ‘What’s new?’ and moved to become a Knowledge Base category.
- Split out mobile content for ‘profile settings’, ‘add and manage users’ and ‘add and manage numbers’ on the PhoneLine+ Customer Knowledge Base.
April 2022
- Mobile and desktop training content for PhoneLine+ has been split into separate articles.
- Additional articles added to the PhoneLine+ Customer Knowledge Base: Logging out and checking for updates (desktop) and signing out and checking for updates (mobile).
- Added new article and video: ‘Out of hours’.
March 2022
- PhoneLine+ Application – End User Licence Agreement update.
- ‘App download links’ added to the Customer Knowledge Base.
- The layout of training articles and categories on the Customer Knowledge Base has been amended to more closely reflect the layout of the PhoneLine+ client’s features.
- A new ‘Register and download the app’ article has been added to the PhoneLine+ Customer Knowledge Base under ‘Getting Started’.
- Update to the ‘Call Activity’ article on the PhoneLine+ Customer Knowledge Base to include activity feed icons in the text instructions.
- Added new PhoneLine+ features list to the PhoneLine+ Customer Knowledge Base.
February 2022
December 2021 – January 2022
FAQs – Porting